It can't be a good sign when the maintainer of this blog forgets about it. Yes, it's true, I forgot I ran this little space. But hopefully we can get back on track for now. Based upon our last post, we like Capitol Reef. If it weren't completely obvious, now it should be because we just returned from our second trip there this year. Our first night there, we quickly set up camp then met our neighbors (from home) at their house in Torrey for a rousing game of Uno Attack. The next day, I had a little work to do in Dixie National Forest, so while I did that, Travis hiked Navajo Knobs. I'd share some of his photos with you but he hasn't imported them from his phone yet. We met up in the park later that day, then were joined by our friends Wendy and Troy that night. We had a great time hiking, laughing, eating, making fun of our camp neighbors, and playing Frisbee in the park. Here are some photos from the weekend.

Barker Reservoir, Dixie National Forest

Dust from the road to Barker Recreation Area (you should have seen it on the way out!)

Posey Lake, Dixie National Forest

Nakedstem - great name for a flower


Globemallow, Capitol Gorge

Imperial Walker!

Pectol's Pyramid

Hickman Bridge

Hickman Bridge

Hickman Bridge trail
Butterfly on Firecracker Penstemon in Grand Wash